On-Site Services
NELSON’s on-site services offer our clients a number of benefits – both economically and environmentally.

As one of the only thermal consulting businesses to own and operate their own equipment, we offer a number of on-site services that includes our low-temperature thermal desorption soil remediation technology.
We currently have a growing fleet of technologically advanced systems, which allows us to capable provide the remediation of more than 250,000 tonnes of material annually.
Our system remediates soil contaminated with non-recycled distillate petroleum hydrocarbons including gasoline, jet fuel, diesel, polynuclear aromatic hydrocarbons, as well as solvents, by rapidly volatizing these products from soil, then thermally destructing them in the oxidation system.
The major mechanical components of the unit consist of: a control house, soil feed system (including a weigh scale), a rotary drum desorber, a treated soil handling system, a baghouse filtration system, and a thermal oxidizer.
The auxiliary systems include fuel, air and water delivery systems and a process control, monitoring and interlock system.
We also offer soil excavation, screening, hauling, site surveying, and a number of other on-site services that eliminate the numerous liabilities of hauling thousands of tonnes of soil via truck transport.
Our on-site services offer a number of advantages, which include:
- The facility provides for the complete remediation of the soils and destruction of hydrocarbons; removing the threat to water and air
- It provides a reliable and cost effective option to landfill disposal
- The equipment can process a wide variety of soil types
- Hydrocarbons are not released into the atmosphere
- The exact level of concentration of contaminants of interest is defined immediately following treatment
- Allows for the re-use of the remediated soil in a variety of ways
- Removal and destruction of hydrocarbon contamination eliminates future liability and potential environmental problems