Welcome to Nelson Environmental Remediation Ltd.
we are fortunate to share a unique environment here at Nelson, with a dedicated, highly skilled workforce who have a solid foundation built on mutual respect. Nelson has always valued our employees as our most valuable resource. Each person brings unique skills and has a measurable and essential contribution to make to help achieve our common goals. Our team is dynamic and enthusiastic, and we know you will enjoy working and growing with us!
Our strength is based on open communication and cooperation and you are encouraged to bring matters of concern forward to be addressed by your respective supervisor or manager. Above all, while working safely, we must focus on continuously achieving quality standards in everything we do to meet and exceed our customers’ expectations.
We trust you will experience both challenge and satisfaction in your work assignments and we anticipate you will assist us in maintaining a positive and productive working environment.
Darryl Nelson, President
Warren Nelson, CEO
Nelson Environmental Remediation Ltd.